Missionary work is the best kind of work!
To Sam (and Katy) from Lily.
I am so happy to see what being a. missionary can do for someone. I loved being able to meet Katy when she came to my house and spend time with Sam and Seattle. I hope I can be a better missionary now and also go on a mission someday!
For your service we as a family did 2 things about missionary work. The first one we did was for a new convert in our ward. Her name is Ashley Stoddard. When she joined the church her family disowned her. She was adopted and felt all her life that something was missing. As much as she loved her family she could not deny the feelings she felt when she joined the church. She moved in with another family from the ward and is going to BYU-I in January. We heard that she doesn’t have enough money for even the bare essentials it takes to go to college. So we got her things like “hairbrush and hair products, cleaning supplies, school supplies like paper and pens, laundry detergent, toilet paper, pillows, sheets, and more”. We then wrapped it as the 12 days of Christmas and attached a Christmas story to each gift. We put them all in a laundry basket and set it on her porch 12 days before Christmas and left it anonymously. It felt so good to do something for her and made us all realize how blessed we are even with the simple necessities!

The second part to our missionary service for you was we made packages for the missionaries in our ward that are serving far away and also our 2 nephews serving missions. We knew it would be a fun surprise to get some love from members in their home ward they weren’t expecting!

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