"Brenda and Eva"
to Ruth, from Heather
This year I had Ruth. When I was thinking about Ruth and thinking what kind of things she is into many things came to my mind. Wife, Mom life, Sister, Music, special needs etc. But I feel like the one that stood out in my brain the most was Fashion. Even more simple then fashion just clothes in general. We defiantly share the love for clothes. SO… thats when I got the Idea to give away clothes to some women in need. As I was searching and trying to figure out who would benefit from this, some lady posted on our neighbor page about this girl named “Brenda” after learning about her and googling her I saw how much she endured and I wanted to donate clothes to help her. I also had met this lady on the train last time I was in California coming back from Camarillo. (Thats another story for another time) but she kept Popping into my head as well. I knew she could benefit from new clothes. She was a single Mom and homeless. We have become friends and connected. I knew how stoked Ruth would be knowing I helped women in need feel the joy of getting new clothes!

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