Sunday, December 30, 2018

"Lots of Hands Can Serve Many"-To Ainsley from Aunt Christy

My family changed the person our services were for.  I did my service for Ainsley.  

A few weeks ago, our stake did a Day of Service on a Saturday. Normally, I don't really go to things like this because I don't really always know how I'm going to feel.  This time, though, I thought about how many people would be touched by these services, including children, teenagers, mothers, fathers and so many other individuals. 
Here is a big group picture from that day, but it doesn't include all of those who went to the offsite locations. (I had other pictures but I don’t know what happened to them! It really was an amazing day!

The Stake put together about 10 things for us to do as service and we signed up for one or more of the ones we wanted to do. Because we had so many hands helping, things went fast and we were all able to do multiple services.  It really was humbling to see all these women working together and how many lives were affected. Here are a few of the services we did that day.

-Tied fleece blankets for children at the Homeless Shelter
-Made 220 sack lunches to hand out to the homeless.
-Wrote letters to about 40 missionaries (they had all the stationery laid out and addressed.  I wrote to about 10 of them).
-Cleaned and scrubbed the Women's Abuse Center (I didn't participate in this one because it was offsite).
-Entertained children for two hours at the Children's Hospital.
-Cleaned and scoured the kitchen at the church building
(There were other services, I just don't remember them because i wasn't involved).

It felt really good to be involved in this and really made me happy and humbled how many lives we were helping. I also know that Ainsley is someone who has a huge heart and would do all sorts of things for others to make them happy! Merry Christmas Ainsley. I love you!
Love, Aunt Christy

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