Wednesday, December 25, 2013

To Katie by Harry

By Harry Schultz

      I had Katie for my service this year of 2013, and these are the things I did for her:

1. Because I know Katie has German ancestry, in her honor I went to Germany to visit and check it out for her.

2. Because I know Katie is a kind person and has a great love for animals, I decided to give her the opportunity to love and care for another dog; Shelby. By doing so I know she will learn unselfish love.

3. And I know how much Katie loves Young Women, so in her honor, I decided to help Xoe and Xanthe, her nieces, with their Young Women in Excellence evening. I helped set up tables and chairs, cooked and served the food, and cleaned up afterwards.

4. Because I know how much Katie loves her ancestors, I have dedicated each Wednesday in the Newport Beach Temple in service to the many people who have passed away without knowing the gospel.

5. And because I know Katie has a love and appreciation for all sick people, I catered the stake blood drive twice this year, and fed all those who gave blood, at no cost.

6. And in honor of her husband Ben, who is a priesthood holder, her son Elliot, and unborn son, Jimmy, who will someday hold the priesthood, I catered for free for all those who attended the priesthood session of conference.

7. And I know Katie is such a special person who wants to share the gospel, and believes in missionary work, I have decided to go on an 18 month mission to Nauvoo, Illinois.

8. And to help her family, I have allowed Jimmy, her dad, to kiss me.

9. And I directly helped her family, when Ben was out of town, by taking Ruby to a Daddy Daughter night at the school, and being her “Daddy”.

10. And because Katie is a graduate of the singles ward in Placentia stake, in her honor I decided to donate free food to them each week after their meetings called Linger Longer.

In fact I have dedicated my whole life this year in service for and behalf of Katie Louise Schultz.

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