Friday, December 28, 2012

Be Prepared

Once I drew Ambers name I knew exactly what I was going to do. Even though it took me a whole year to do it. I have always wanted to take a CPR class since Porters accident. Amber and I have talked about it multiple of times. I knew this was finally my chance to prepare myself in case of an emergency and Amber would appreciate it. Before the accident I thought I knew CPR in all of my camp clinics for girls camp. Then I kind of thought I did know CPR, just froze at the pool that day.  So to me the class was just a refresher and I would already know everything. However, I was wrong.

I woke up super early on the Friday morning before we were leaving to California for Xmas. BYUI offers CPR classes and James had registered me for the class. I walked in and couldn’t find it anywhere. After a long time searching someone finally told me that it was cancelled due to graduation. I was super BUMMED not only cause I got up early in the cold but I really wanted to do it so I didn’t have to stress about it at home.  I went home sad and stressed about when I was going to have time to take the class. Disappointed in myself that I was waiting until the last minute to do my service. I searched high and low for classes I could take in California. It was tuff. Especially so close to Christmas and with my busy schedule. I finally found one but it was the next morning in CA. I thought shoot its on Sunday, it’s a far ways to go. While I was searching the web for classes there was an add for take CPR class online. Of coarse it crossed my mind. How easy would that be. I can just sit at home and take the class online. I knew that was a cop out and I wouldn’t learn as much as I needed to. If I had to take the coarse I wanted to actually learn. I woke up Sunday morning and decided to get up and go. Little did I know how much I would actually learn?

When I first got there me and the other people in the class went around and introduced ourselves and why we were taking a CPR class. They showed us all a introductory video. I wasn’t expecting it. But, I got super overwhelmed and cried through the whole thing. I had a flood of emotions and memories of the way I felt the day of Porters accident. Thoughts racing through my head, the panic, the helplessness, the fear of him not coming back. I instantly knew right then and there this class was a good idea. So if I was ever in a situation again I can help.

While sitting in there the rest of that day in the class, I thought that if it wasn’t for the Nurses at the pool being so calm and coaching us through CPR we wouldn’t have not made it through that horrific event. Im very thankful for the opportunity to do this service project for Amber. I thought about her all year and thought of all the things I could do that she would appreciate. After taking the class I realize that maybe this service wasn’t for the other person but for the person doing it. I have learned a lot and realized the importance of service.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

From Ben to ......

(Click below)

Matt has Christy

One of the things that I enjoy about being an endodontist is that there are many opportunities to brighten someone's day who is having a rough go.  It is nice to see the reaction when you take a couple hundred dollars off the bill of a young man getting his papers ready to go on a mission, or to do the same for someone who is serving or has served in the military.  As I was thinking about Christy, I remembered that she had once come to Boise to have a root canal from my brother when she was a single mom.  I was glad that my brother could help her out at that time.  I started looking for a good patient that I could pass that along for.  I found a women who was a little down on her luck with her health and life situation.  She was having a real dilemma wrestling with wanting to keep a tooth without having enough money to pay for it.  She asked me about payment plans and I just said "we will work with you."  At the end of her visit, she came to the front desk to pay what she could of her bill.  She got pretty misty eyed when I told her that there would be no charge for the root canal.  

Nan has........


This is Carson- my friend Amy's little boy. Amy has a 3 year old and a newborn baby born in June. I talked to her one morning at school and she mentioned she had to wake up both her young kids to get Carson to school on time. That is when I had the idea to do this service for her. It reminded me of Katie and the similar stage of life she is in. For 3 weeks, I picked Carson up for school. If you know me, this was difficult. I am usually scooting my kids out in just enough time before the bell rings. I had to plan and prepare so I could swing up to get Carson. By the end of the time he would just wait for me on the corner. It was an awesome feeling to be able to help Amy and get her through that newborn nursing stage of life. 

The road to Sobriety

Last year when I chose James name for my service, I was really excited because He is one of my favorite brother in laws (C'mon, I love you all equally guys).  I really thought and pondered what I could do in his name. I first thought I was going to donate my time by doing haircuts for women in a rehab who were trying to get back in the work field. But it didn't seem quite right. So I prayed  that I could be inspired or find a good opportunity to serve.  Little did I know that my service would be helping one of my oldest friends as well.
Many of you know my friend John(Gu  mby). He is basically the Ryan of my Witten family. He called me one night really upset because he wasgetting a divorce. I talked and tried my best to console him and be a listening ear. After that call I didn't hear from him for a couple a months.  Ends up my Friend was an addict and the reason I didn't hear from him was because he went in rehab. When I saw him after he got sober, He seemed so happy and in such a good place. It seemed like he was his old self again. A month later we went to a show together and he had told me he fell off the wagon. He was totally ashamed and was isolating himself from his sponsor and councilor. Right then I thought, I'm gonna go to an AA meeting with him and help in get back on the right path. I was so excited, I thought this would be the perfect service. Also, I was really interested to attend an AA meeting to see a glimpse of the process that James might have gone through. So I told John my plan of helping him go back to his meetings.
Well after that night, I could never get a hold of John and my life got hectic with Davy and hospital trips.
Months later I got a text in church from John asking if we could talk. Things had gotten really bad for my friend, to the point that he tried to end his life. I immediately drove down to his house. When I got there and saw what state he was in, I was in shock. He looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks and looked empty and gone. First thing I made him eat......really he was that gaunt. Over lunch I say, let's go to a meeting together. We went to the first meeting we could find and it happened to be an AA where people shared through music our poetry. My first thoughts were"YES!!! this is gonna be good". Believe me it did not disappoint. I really wish I could have video taped it......that amazing. After the meeting we went to a starbucks to talk some more. John poured his heart out to me. Told me how hopeless he felt. As he was talking, I felt the spirit, I thought of James and his experience at the refuge. I told John what I was feeling and that it was not coincidence that I was the one he called. I knew he had to go there. I immediately called James and Heather to get their help. So I guess in a way James you had a hand in my service to you. One week later I was at Johns house packing it up and putting it in storage and he was off to Florida.
From the refuge John called me every week. It was SO awesome to watch him change and grow. I could hear a change in his self confidence and worth. The three months went quickly there and soon it was time for him to home. But John didn't have a home to go to, nor did he have any sober friends to rely on.
I was telling Beth how worried I was about him and of course Beth, being the saint she is, told me he could live with her.
SO there you have it, he was all set to go. He came home a totally different person. I was so excited and happy for him.
He has been home now for 3 months and I would love to say life has been easy for him. But it hasn't. He battles his addictions every day. Watching him go through this journey has been hard. Although I can be a support my friend I can't save him or change him from this, he has to do it for himself. I can't even begin to tell you what doing this service for my friend, John has done for me. I have learned so much from him. I have felt the spirit many times. I know I have grown from this.
When John was at the refuge a councilor asked him how had heard of it and he said,"an angel told him."
Although that made me feel so good, I know I can't take the credit. It really was because of you James and the experiences you had and the brave choice you made to be open and honest about your addiction. I really do admire you for being so willing to share you're story. Through your trials, you have blessed so many other people. More then you probably realize. I am very thankful that I choose your name and for the opportunity that I had to serve my dear friend.

P.S I really feel like I need to give a shout to Heather. You also had a big hand in this. You were always asking about John and giving me advice on ways to help him. Thank you, I love you both dearly for all your support through this.
P.P.S John has been doing really good and is happier then he's been in a long while.

Just Watering the Weeds

This is Katie: I had a quick conversation with a ward member at church, Brother Peterson.  I asked him how his  garden was going.  A little back story to Brother Peterson,  he is a busy dad, with a busy calling.  He has a decent yard, an amazing wife, and three sons.  On occasion I will see him riding bikes with his boys around Brea.  That is his preferred Saturday activity.  He loves his garden and has spent a lot of time getting it started with an ingenious watering system he designed.  In response to my question, he said, "oh we just seem to be watering the weeds."  Thats when my service present hit me.  The person I had was very similar to Brother Peterson.  So I knew what I had to do.  Because a picture speaks a thousand words, and we have some non-readers in the family (Sam)- See below for my service present.

Merry Christmas Matt!

Voting Day

To Ben- From Myles
               For many, the 2012 presidential voting day could not have come sooner, and the anticipation of who would be the next president was intense.  For some, having President Obama finish what he started of transforming the country into more of a collectivist society was critical for the future success of the country.  For others, stopping or even just slowing down the progressivism towards that change meant saving the world from absolute destruction.  It seemed to be an election that meant more than just choosing your party or the guy you thought would do the best job.  It was an election built around what we as a nation stood for and wanted for our countries foundation, our core beliefs, and the principles we wanted to be grounded to.  Due to the excitement and to give some service to something that Ben would appreciate, I decided to work the polling booth. 
               Living in Camarillo, there is not much diversity.  People are for the most part conservative and thus voted for Romney.  So there wasn’t much hazing, taunting, or propaganda outside the voting booth.  Everyone seemed to be on the same page.  Except for the father, who made a strong suggestion that his kids vote the “right way” as they walked into the booth.  I don’t know which way that was but it caused some excitement.  But, what was interesting to me about working the booth was learning the process and realizing how things could get heated had I been in a swing state. 
               For one, our restrictions of what we could ask for were great.  No ID was required and we could only ask for the persons address.  The weird thing was that I had the list right in front of me with nothing blinding the voter from looking down and reading what was on the page.  It just seemed odd, like it would not have been difficult to vote multiple times or get people who were not citizens to vote in proxy for non-voters.  Another thing that was crazy was when there was a woman who had a highlighted note next to her name that said, “Ask for Passport”, she had a tantrum.  The crazy thing about it was that after they calmed her down, they just allowed her to vote.  The last thing I noticed that was a bit odd was that there was a lady who had two last names due to something with her marriage and she could have voted twice.  Fortunately, she noticed the error and pointed it out.    
               Nonetheless, there were some positive things that I can’t go without saying.  One was the 2 citizens that had worked for years to become legal and this was their first time ever voting.  One of the people was working the booth with me.  Her glow as she went to the booth and placed her own ballot was bright and full of joy.  And the other person announced it as she gave her name to another poll worker.  She got applause by many as the spirit of freedom was felt. 
               It was great to get into the voting spirit this year, regardless of whether numb nuts won.  I’m glad I had the opportunity to serve the way Ben would appreciate.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

"Miles for Myles"

My Service gift this year is for Myles.
You have always been an active person and I admire that about you! All of your hobbies include something physical whether it is surfing, skiing, running, biking or playing sports with your kids, you always seem to find the fun in it. I know you love and appreciate the outdoors and most of the hobbies you love are outdoors.
 I have been pregnant this past year so I decided to start your service project over the next coming year. So, here is what it is:
Over the next year I am going to walk/run/bike to raise money for the Nature Conservancy in your name. The Nature Conservancy is an organization that protects fresh water, oceans and conservation lands. My goal is to raise $150. That means it would be a minimum of 10 miles a week for 52 weeks! For each mile I walk or Run “Charity Miles” will donate .25 to the Nature Conservancy. Maybe I will be able to do more? Who knows? So how it works is I have an App on my phone that becomes a GPS Pedometer. It will track my miles and then donate the money!

This will be a fun challenge and I will let you know my progress along the way. Love you Myles!